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The industry leader in document expense auditing.

We help our clients save money by restructuring their copier, multi-functional and printer purchasing into a streamlined program using our unique DocuWatch™ system. CopyWatch has a knowledge of the document production industry, technology, prices, and suppliers, to which few, if any, have access.

CopyWatch deals with the document production industry every day; your staff probably does this once a year or even less frequently. We know as much about document production, service, and management costs as you know about your core business.

If you don’t know how much you are spending, it’s hard to know how much you can save!

CopyWatch does a thorough analysis of your current document production expenses, locating all the areas where there are unnecessary hidden costs, and then implements savings.  Savings, for some of our largest commercial and medical accounts, have reached into the millions of dollars.

CopyWatch brings our clients inside market expertise and worldwide buying power that will get you the absolute best deal.

The CopyWatch service enables you to stop the profiteering by copier and printer vendors, recoup your capital, and achieve savings in as little as 30 days. All this is done with the savings and recovery assessment being completed by our expert audit analysts, off site, in our offices, with little involvement by you or your staff.

Our work is completed on a no-risk, contingency basis where you only pay for proven results.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

© 2024 by CopyWatch, Inc

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